September 29 2008, Glasgow, Scotland, United
Kingdom.- The General Assembly of the International
Astronautics Federation (I.A.F.), meeting on the 59th. International
Astronautics Congress taking place on the Scotland Convention Center on
Glasgow, added today to its ranks, in official ceremony headed by Dr. PhD
James V. Zimmerman, I.A.F President, the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency
EXA, as a full member with voice and vote on the Federation.
The E.X.A. delegation headed by the Ecuadorian astronaut, Commander Ronnie
Nader B. and the director of international relationships of the agency,
Magister Jorge Saade-Scaff, made their case to the full assembly
presenting the agency's achievements on its first year of operations, like
the development of the first and only zero-G plane in latin america, the
world record on microgravity and the Ecuadorian Space Program, all
achieved with the cooperation and support of the Ecuadorian Air Force FAE,
that deserved the general applause and acknowledgemente of the
international astronautic community
Due to this series of success without precedent in the region, the full
assembly in unanimous decision said yes to the EXA as the newest member of
the the most respected, older and extense organism in the world's
astronautics community. Other members accepted in the session were the
FAA., Northrop Grumman Space Technology, the Instituto Mexicano del
Espacio Exterior, among others.
Among the I.A.F. ranks is
the NASA, the Russian Space Agency, Rosskosmos, the Chinese Space Agency,
The European Space Agency ESA., the Japanese Space Agency JAXA, the United
Nations, who as members of the assembly welcomed EXA with the status of
Space Agency member, congratulating it for the fact that there is the
first time in history that Ecuador has come to take its place, for its own
merits of this select group.
The IAF President Dr. PhD James V.
Zimmernan personally handed the official membership certificate to
Commander Ronnie Nader.
The 59th.International Astronautics Congress was declared officially open
today with a welcome message from Sir Gordon Brown, United Kingdom's Prime
Minister and was attended by personalities like the Duke of Glasgow, the
British Science and Technology Minister and the President of the British
Interplanetary Society.
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