Ecuadorian Space Agency will provide
parts and consulting for U.S. Cubesat IRVINE01
Samborondón, March 31: The Ecuadorian Space
Agency EXA announced today that it has secured a contract with a group
of 5 U.S. high schools in California (Irvine, Northwood, University,
Woodbridge, and Beckman) in order to provide parts for its first
satellite IRVINE-01 and also to act as project supervisor.
EXA will provide the Krysaor-class solar deployable arrays DSA-1, the Pegasus-class
battery banks BA01/S, the NEMEA anti radiation and thermal shields,
deployable antenna, titanium structural components and magnetorquers for
attitude control, also, the EXA will be in charge of the project
supervision reporting to Project Manager Dr. Brent Freeze, PhD.
Besides EXA, many other very prestigious, world class U.S. institutions
participate in this project like the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) Brown University, Montana State University, California
State Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, Tyvak, Sorlox, Bilingual
Interactive, Accion Systems, and Innovative Space Logistics. The project
is funded through the Irvine Public Schools Foundation (IPSF), a
nonprofit organization that raises funds to enrich the educational
experience of students. EXA is the only foreign institution selected for
this project that will involve at least 5 satellites in the next 5 years.
IRVINE Cubesat STEM is a very innovative project, pioneering an effort
that aims to stimulate science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) at high school level in the United States with the use of space
based platforms assembled by the students themselves and to offer
inclusion opportunities to social minorities in the U.S. engineering and
sciences communities. EXA fully endorses and officially supports this
project and its goals, as they are completely compatible with EXA’s long
held work philosophy and reason to exist.
EXA was selected due its unique technologies for this class of
spacecraft and its advantages in the price/performance relationship,
this technologies were developed for the firsts Ecuadorian satellites
NEE-01 PEGASO and NEE-02 KRYSAOR and the testing of this technologies
was the primary mission of the satellites that both accomplished
successfully. It is the first time in the history of the region that one
Latin American country will provide space technology to the United
States of America.
"The first Ecuadorian satellites NEE-01 PEGASO
and NEE-02 KRYSAOR have very unique technologies. We are excited about
selecting EXA because of their unique solutions suited for our type of
spacecraft. EXA provides advantages in price/performance that will help
our program continue to be successful for years to come" said
Kain A Sosa, Co-founder of Irvine CubeSat STEM Program during the
official kickoff event of the project on March 22.
EXA is a civilian independent institution, active member of the
International Astronautics Federation (IAF), member of the International
Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the Space Security Committee of the
IAF, EXA feels honored by this selection representing our country and
the region all in this new enterprise and it is very grateful with IPSF
and Project IRVINE Cubesat STEM for bestowing us with their trust, which
commit us to the best quality, service and performance standards to
honor that trust and to demonstrate what Ecuadorians and Latin-Americans
can do if we are given an opportunity to support the space development
of the international community with our unique approaches and
technologies, open collaboration philosophy and passionate commitment to
the human space endeavor.
Kellie Pendergest -
Msc. Carlos Alvarez -

Article in Los
Angeles Times:
Article in Business Connection:{%22issue_id%22:293968,%22page%22:%228%22}
Official KickOff video:
ABC News video:
Proyecto Irvine STEM Facebook page:
Press contact: Carlos
EXA/2 - BP-65 / BP-E-064-010416